Farmworkers harvesting summer squash in Costa Rica
Food Systems and Sustainability Lab

Galt Lab

Tracy Lerman

Tracy Lerman


Position Title
Executive Director, Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group


I am the ED of NESAWG, the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group - we convene farm and food systems practitioners across the Northeast in service of movement building for a just and equitable food system. I've worked in sustainable food systems since 2003 as an organizer and policy advocate and completed my master's degree in Community Development at UC Davis in 2013. My graduate research examined intermediated supply chains and their benefits for small-scale and values-based producers. I live in the Hudson Valley of New York with my family, and though I miss California every day, I appreciate fall colors, a more reliable supply of water, and a lower cost of living. When I'm not running my organization or parenting, I aspire to do things like bake, ride my bike, hike, and yoga, but usually I lie on the couch in exhaustion.

Who we are

We are a group of researchers looking at how to make agriculture and food systems more just and sustainable. We study the ways that political, economic, and social structures influence the resiliency and fairness of our food systems throughout the value chain from production to consumption. Our work has a particular emphasis on California and Latin America.