Position Title
STEM educator and Service Learning Coordinator at The Winchendon School, Brooklyn
During my time in the Galt Lab, (MSc 2011, PhD 2015) I studied urban agriculture networks and food justice. After graduating and completing a post doctoral year with the Food Dignity Project, I studied and taught comparative food systems in Tanzania, India, Malawi, Italy, and the United States for the International Honors Program: Rethinking Food Security. The farmers and fisherfolk I met around the world through this work deepened my interest in climate change resilience and coastal ecology. When I moved to New York in 2018, I got involved with the Billion Oyster Project, started surfing in Rockaway, Queens, and taught geography courses in the CUNY system. Still a political ecologist at heart, I now primarily teach high school Biology and Environmental Science. In this role, I share my love for the coasts and commitment to climate justice with my students every chance I get.